
next generation Debian package upload tool (Python 3 library)

dput-ng is a Debian package upload tool which provides an easy to use interface to Debian (like) package archive hosting facilities. It allows anyone who works with Debian packages to upload their work to a remote service, including Debian's ftp-master,, Launchpad or other package hosting facilities for Debian package maintainers.


pattern language for improvised music; profiling libraries

TidalCycles (or Tidal for short) is a domain-specific language for live coding patterns. It allows you to make musical patterns with text, describing sequences and ways of transforming and combining them, exploring complex interactions between simple parts.


C++ wrapper library for the multimedia library GStreamer (documentation)


Login helpers for Zope


helper module for inspecting subroutines

Sub::Info is a tool to inspect subroutines. It returns various kinds of information about a subroutine, like its name, the file or package it was defined in, and line numbers.


Transitional package for ruby-merb-helpers