
Braille UTDML translation library - shared libs


major mode for editing Git configuration files (gitattributes)

This package provides major mode for editing `.gitattributes', `.git/info/attributes', and `git/attributes' Git configuration files.


mapping genomic sequences to raw reads directly against redundant databases

KMA is mapping a method designed to map raw reads directly against redundant databases, in an ultra-fast manner using seed and extend. KMA is particularly good at aligning high quality reads against highly redundant databases, where unique matches often does not exist. It works for long low quality reads as well, such as those from Nanopore. Non- unique matches are resolved using the "ConClave" sorting scheme, and a consensus sequence are outputtet in addition to other common attributes.


debug symbols for kunitconversion


library to create window decorations - debug info


“the easiest” Template Engine for PHP

RainTPL is an easy template engine for PHP that enables designers and developers to work better together, it loads HTML template to separate the presentation from the logic. Features: