
General relativistic geodesic integration and ray-tracing

Gyoto aims at providing a framework for computing orbits and ray-traced images in General relativity. It consists in a shared library (this package), utility programs (in the gyoto package), and a plug-in for the Yorick and Python 2 and 3 programing languages (in yorick-gyoto, python-gyoto and python3-gyoto respectively). Gyoto can be extended with plug-ins (see libgyoto4-dev).


library to handle series of discrete events (cli tool)

TrailDB is a highly optimized database library, written in C, which allows you to store and query trillions of discrete events quickly. In contrast to many other time-series databases, TrailDB focuses on discrete data, like events in a log file, which it can compress efficiently using a custom compression algorithm.


static Python code analysis tool for PEP 257 compliance

PEP 257 provides conventions for Python docstrings (string literals which occur as first statement in a module, function, class or method definition for documentation purposes). This tool checks Python code whether these conventions have been complied with, and if docstring are missing.


GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support)


Pod::Weaver plugin to check for duplicate Pod section headers

Pod::Weaver::Plugin::EnsureUniqueSections is a Pod::Weaver plugin to ensure that the Pod after weaving has no duplicate top-level section headers. This can help you if you are converting from writing all your own POD to generating it with Pod::Weaver. If you begin generating a section with Pod::Weaver but you forget to delete the manually written section of the same name, this plugin will warn you.


url loader module for webpack

This module loads files as base64 encoded URL.