
discover Emacs Lisp functions based on examples

This package is an Emacs package for discovering Emacs Lisp functions based on examples. You supply an example input and output, and it makes suggestions. It is a great way of exploring list, string and arithmetic functions.


external tools to enhance juju


GNU R routines for block diagonal symmetric matrices

Provides an R class for block diagonal symmetric matrices, allowing them to be manipulated much like an ordinary matrix, but the total memory use can be much smaller.


Files for GNU GCC plugin development.


transparently collect files on the classpath

cpath-clj is a small library to transparently collect files on the classpath based on a given base directory. Since that directory might be located inside a JAR, it is not always trivial to do so.


Clojure(Script) library for declarative data description and validation

Schema is a rich language for describing data shapes, with a variety of features: