
Python 2 package for Country-specific Django helpers

Django's "localflavor" packages offer additional functionality for particular countries or cultures. For example, these might include form fields for your country's postal codes, phone number formats or government ID numbers.


Java library for working with property lists

This library enables your Java application to handle property lists of various formats. Property lists are files used to store user settings and serialized objects.They originate from the NeXSTEP programming environment and are now a basic part of the Cocoa framework (OS X and iOS) as well as the GNUstep framework.


Python bindings for Qt5 Gui module (Python 2)


EFL optimized data types - extra tools

The Eina library is a library which implements an API for data types in an efficient way. It also provides some useful tools like opening shared libraries, error management, type conversion, time accounting and memory pools.


GNU C preprocessor


access to the API of MediaWiki sites - shared library

libmediawiki is a C++/Qt library to interface MediaWiki websites: