a source graph as generated by botch


tools to create and analyse dependency graphs

botch is a collection of tools to create and analyze dependency graphs. This task is facilitated by a range of individual tools which use the deb822 and graphml formats to exchange information with each other.
Sound synthesis software with physical models


Sound synthesis software with physical models

Tao is a software package for sound synthesis using physical models. It provides a virtual acoustic material constructed from masses and springs which can be used as the basis for building quite complex virtual musical instruments.
program that colorizes text for terminals and HTML


program that colorizes text for terminals and HTML

Supercat is a program that colorizes text based on matching regular expressions/strings/characters. Supercat supports html output as well as standard ASCII text. Unlike some text-colorizing programs that exist, Supercat does not require you to have to be a programmer to make colorization rules.
transitional dummy package


transitional dummy package

Template driven web site builder for small sites


Template driven web site builder for small sites

PubTal uses the ZPT language from ZOPE and input plugins to generate a web site, maintaining content separate from presentation.
follows log files in /var/log, Ctrl-C shows recently changed files, Ctrl-\ exit


like "tail -f", but works on truncated files, directories, more

xtail watches the growth of files. It's like running a "tail -f" on a bunch of files at once. It notices if a file is truncated and starts from the beginning. You can specify both filenames and directories on the command line. If you specify a directory, it watches all the files in that directory. It will notice when new files are created (and start watching them) or when old files are deleted (and stop watching them).