
generate scoped sequential IDs for ActiveRecord models

This library provides an `acts_as_sequenced` macro that automatically assigns a unique, sequential ID to each record. The sequential ID is not a replacement for the database primary key, but rather adds another way to retrieve the object without exposing the primary key.


GNU C++ compiler (multilib support)


visual servoing platform detection library


OpenStack RCA as a Service - Collector service

Vitrage provides a root cause analysis service, which is used for analyzing the topology and alarms of the cloud, and providing insights about it.

Miscellaneous Python tools from STScI

This package provides a selection of tools for FITS and WCS handling, image handling, and data analysis, used by other STScI packages; mainly by Pyraf.


Environment agnostic event emitter

Event emitter as it sounds is just something that triggers an event to which anyone can listen. Different libraries offer different implementations and for different purposes, but the basic idea is to provide a framework for issuing events and subscribing to them.