
Open Geographic Datastore Interface Library -- library

OGDI is the Open Geographic Datastore Interface. OGDI is an application programming interface (API) that uses a standardized access methods to work in conjunction with GIS software packages (the application) and various geospatial data products. OGDI uses a client/server architecture to facilitate the dissemination of geospatial data products over any TCP/IP network, and a driver-oriented approach to facilitate access to several geospatial data products/formats.


major emacs mode for editing web templates

web-mode.el is an emacs major mode for editing web templates aka HTML files embedding parts (CSS/JavaScript) and blocks (pre rendered by client/server side engines).


GtkSourceView4 bindings for the Ruby language

GTKSourceView4 is a text widget that extends the standard GTK+ text widget.


opencv_apps Robot OS package - tools


GNU R approximate string matching and string distance functions

Implements an approximate string matching version of R's native 'match' function. Can calculate various string distances based on edits (Damerau- Levenshtein, Hamming, Levenshtein, optimal sting alignment), qgrams (q- gram, cosine, jaccard distance) or heuristic metrics (Jaro, Jaro- Winkler). An implementation of soundex is provided as well. Distances can be computed between character vectors while taking proper care of encoding or between integer vectors representing generic sequences.


JavaScript code coverage tool

This package is a JavaScript code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests.