
Data Plane Development Kit (librte-mbuf2 runtime library)


Plasma Workspace for KF5 library

Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. Taskmanager library.


Eclipse Java Development Tools JUnit core support

Eclipse JDT UI implements the user interface for the Java IDE. It provides several workbench contributions for viewing and manipulating Java code: * Package Explorer View - shows the Java element tree as defined by a project's build class path * Type Hierarchy View - shows the sub- and supertype hierarchies * Java Outline View - shows the structure of a Java compilation unit or class file * Java Browsing Perspecitve - allows navigating the Java model using separate views for projects, packages, types and members. * Wizards for creating Java elements - Java project, package, class, interface * Java Editor - syntax coloring, content specific code assist, code resolve, method level edit, import assistance, quick fix and quick assist


PostGIS "Lightweight Geometry" library


GNU Objective-C++ compiler


Python compatible INI parser