free advanced command line hexadecimal editor with graph functionality
generate activity-diagram image file from spec-text file
Generate activity-diagram from dot like text with multilingualization for
node-label. But this supports utf-8 only. It is able to embed to sphinx with
using python-sphinxcontrib-actdiag.
Prettyprinter generator for noweb
Pretzel is a system that builds prettyprinters; that is programs that
will take some plain ASCII source code and generate a LaTeXified version
for presentation.
STFL frontend for Smuxi (experimental)
Smuxi is an irssi-inspired, flexible, user-friendly and cross-platform IRC
client for sophisticated users, targeting the GNOME desktop.
tool to interactively filter chatty command output
prolix launches a command and captures its standard output and error,
suppressing uninteresting lines according to a pattern. Yet unlike grep -v,
prolix is an interactive program: When you find that the output you're being
shown is still too verbose, simply hit enter and add additional suppression
patterns. Suppression patterns can be full or substring line matches as well
as regular expressions. You can also apply substitutions to lines, for example
shorten overly chatty fields.
Fast Syntax HighLighter
FSHL is a free, open source, universal, fast syntax highlighter written in
PHP. A very fast parser performs syntax highlighting for few languages and
produces a HTML output.