transitional dummy package


transitional dummy package

Guayadeque scope for Unity


Guayadeque scope for Unity

generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file for Python 3


generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file for Python 3

For Python 3. Generate block-diagram from dot like text with multilingualization for node-label. But this supports utf-8 only. It is able to embed to sphinx with using python-sphinxcontrib-blockdiag.
Bugzilla client for KDE 4


Bugzilla client for KDE 4

gallica scope for Unity


gallica scope for Unity

C library for x86/x86_64 CPU detection and feature extraction (tool)


C library for x86/x86_64 CPU detection and feature extraction (tool)

libcpuid is a small C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction. Using it, you can: