schedules commands to be executed later


schedules commands to be executed later

3-D tetris like game


3-D tetris like game

Music player for tunes from C64


Music player for tunes from C64

transitional dummy package


transitional dummy package



HDR exposure merging

This combines two or more raw images into a single raw with an extended dynamic range. It can import any raw image supported by LibRaw, and outputs a DNG 1.4 image with floating point data. The output raw is built from the less noisy pixels of the input, so that shadows maintain as much detail as possible. This tool also offers a GUI to remove ghosts from the resulting image.
User interface of KuttyPy : Microcontroller training utility


Graphic user interface to interact with KuttyPy

KuttyPy is a USB interfaced board that gives you an option to do such things like to switch a light bulb, rotate a motor or measure a temperature under software control, in pure Python.