parallelism library for C++ - runtime files
TBB is a library that helps you leverage multi-core processor
performance without having to be a threading expert. It represents a
higher-level, task-based parallelism that abstracts platform details
and threading mechanism for performance and scalability.
Video editing with Python
MoviePy is a Python library for video editing: cutting,
concatenations, title insertions, video compositing
(a.k.a. non-linear editing), video processing, and creation of custom
Qt 6 Sensors examples
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature
is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
Project to create a replacement for RCT2's sound effects file
A free collection of alternative sound effects from RollerCoaster
Tycoon 2 for use in OpenRCT2.
bi-directional translator for LLVM/SPIRV -- shared library
SPIRV-LLVM-translator is a LLVM/SPIRV bi-directional translator. This
package includes a library and a tool for translation between LLVM IR
and SPIR-V.
gnuradio core runtime
Top level component library. Defines core blocks. Handles
settings for logging, performance counters, and control port.
Part of the main gnuradio build.