maintain an Ubuntu source package in a git tree
git-ubuntu is tooling that provides unified git-based workflows for the
development of Ubuntu source packages.
Python module to traverse and access resources like paths
This module provides a class DictPath to turn a dictionary into a
path-like structure, allowing one to traverse them in a similar way to
using pathlib.
Graph/Network Visualization
Build graph/network structures using functions for stepwise addition and
deletion of nodes and edges. Work with data available in tables for bulk
addition of nodes, edges, and associated metadata. Use graph selections
and traversals to apply changes to specific nodes or edges. A wide
selection of graph algorithms allow for the analysis of graphs. Visualize
the graphs and take advantage of any aesthetic properties assigned to
nodes and edges.
motion controller for CNC machines and robots
LinuxCNC is a fully-realised CNC machine controller that can interpret
machine-control programs (such as G-code), plan trajectories and finally
output low-level signals to machine control hardware
Python interface for SPEX
SPEX Left LU is a software package designed to exactly solve unsymmetric sparse
linear systems, Ax = b, where A, b and x contain rational numbers. This
package performs a left-looking, roundoff-error-free (REF) LU factorization
PAQ = LDU, where L and U are integer, D is diagonal, and P and Q are row and
column permutations, respectively. Note that the matrix D is never explicitly
computed nor needed; thus this package uses only the matrices L and U.
Python itertools, builtins and more for AsyncIO (Python 3)
This Python module shadows the standard library whenever possible to
provide asynchronous versions of itertools, builtins and other familiar
functions. It's fully compatible with standard iterators and async
iterators alike, providing a single unified, familiar interface for
interacting with iterable objects.