Non-web client for the terminal
Bombadillo supports gopher, gemini, and finger protocols,
featuring a full terminal user interface, vim-like
keybindings, document pager, configurable settings, and
a robust command selection.
Compose words using a 4x4 grid of letters, US English game files
A word game intended for touch screens.
Draws signalling charts from textual description
Msc-generator is a program that parses textual Message Sequence
Chart descriptions and produces graphical output in a variety of file formats.
Linux chip programmer for CH341a devices
Linux IMSProg - I2C, SPI and MicroWire chip programmer for CH341a devices.
The IMSProg is a free EEPROM programmer tool for CH341A device based on
QhexEdit2 and modify SNANDer programmer.
high-quality visual cross-platform gemini browser
Kristall is a browser without support for css/js/wasm or graphical
websites. It can display user-styled documents in several formats,
including gemini, html, markdown and others provided by a server
via gemini, gopher, http, finger, etc.
Shared library for the final cut widget toolkit
This is a class library and widget toolkit with full mouse
support for creating a text-based user interface. The library supports
the programmer to develop an application for the text console. It allows
the simultaneous handling of multiple windows on the screen.