simple open source disk benchmark tool for Linux distros
This is an HDD and SSD benchmark tool with a very friendly
graphical user interface. KDiskMark with its presets and powerful
GUI calls Flexible I/O Tester and handles the output to provide an
easy to view and interpret comprehensive benchmark result.
Viewer of 3D models in ASCII
This is a 3d object file viewer for the console/terminal.
Wavefront OBJ, and STL file formats are supported.
Qt Visual Graph Editor
This is a multiplatform graph editor written in C++/Qt. Its main goal is to
make possible visually edit two-dimensional graphs in a simple and intuitive
set of small, responsive Sass and CSS modules
purecss-sass is a reimplementation of Pure.css,
a set of small, responsive CSS modules
for general use in website project.s
Reverb effect plugins - metapackage
Dragonfly Reverb is a bundle of free audio reverb effects:
* Early Reflections
- stereo-to-stereo reverb
* Hall Reverb
- stereo-to-stereo reverb
* Plate
- mono-to-stereo reverb
* Room Reverb
- stereo-to-stereo reverb
log file highlighter
tailspin provides the command line tool tspin
for viewing and tailing log files.
It highlights important keywords
to make navigating log files easier,
using less under the hood
for scrollback, search and filtering.