minimalistic but powerful vim-like hex editor


minimalistic but powerful vim-like hex editor

A minimalistic (< 2300 lines of C) vim-like hex editor. It can display ASCII with colors, insert/replace/delete, copy/paste, undo/redo, and search.
Audio effects for PipeWire applications


Audio effects for PipeWire applications

This program provides various audio effects for PipeWire applications.
Accurate multi-system emulator


Accurate multi-system emulator

ares is an emulator for systems from Atari, Nintendo, Sega, Sony, NEC, SNK, Microsoft, Coleco, Bandai and Benesse. It is a descendent of higan and bsnes and focuses on accuracy and preservation. The SNES emulation is especially complete and polished.
Conference schedule viewer written in Python


Conference schedule viewer written in Python

Navigate conference schedules, mark favourite talks and get reminded of upcoming talks.
font for German Kurrent using thick curvy hand written-like letters


font for German Kurrent using thick curvy hand written-like letters

This proportional font resembles a recent version of the German Kurrent cursive script from around 1900 and aims to look like a curvy handwriting using a thick pen.
Sans-serif Narrow fonts to replace commonly used Arial Narrow


Sans-serif Narrow fonts to replace commonly used Arial Narrow

The Liberation Sans Narrow Fonts are intended to be replacements for the Arial Narrow.