Qt 6 shader baker
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature
is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
next generation Python package management tool
PDM is meant to be a next generation Python package management tool.
If you feel you are going well with Pipenv or Poetry and don't want
to introduce another package manager, just stick to it. But if you
are missing something that is not present in those tools, you can
probably find some goodness in pdm.
Very fast C++ logging library
Features: Very fast - performance is the primary goal; Headers only; No
dependencies - just copy and use; call style using the excellent cppformat
library; ostream call style is supported too; Optional extremely fast
asynchronous mode - using lockfree queues and other tricks to reach millions
of calls/sec; Custom formatting; Multi/Single threaded loggers; Easily
extendable with custom log targets (just implement a single function in the
sink interface). Severity based filtering - threshold levels can be modified
in runtime as well as in compile time.
Ada bindings to the D-Bus message bus system (runtime)
The D_Bus/Ada library provides an Ada binding to the D-Bus message bus used for
inter-process communication on Linux desktop systems.
Python 3 module for cppcheck support in ROS 2 ament packages
The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2.
This package provides the Python 3 module that adds cppcheck linter
support to ament.
shared library of MacroMoleculeBuilder
MacroMoleculeBuilder, previously known as RNABuilder, can be used for morphing,
homology modeling, folding (e.g. using base pairing contacts), redesigning
complexes, fitting to low-resolution density maps, predicting local
rearrangements upon mutation, and many other applications.