Image processing toolkit for registration and segmentation - runtime
ITK is an open-source software toolkit for performing registration and
segmentation. Segmentation is the process of identifying and
classifying data found in a digitally sampled
representation. Typically the sampled representation is an image
acquired from such medical instrumentation as CT or MRI
scanners. Registration is the task of aligning or developing
correspondences between data. For example, in the medical
environment, a CT scan may be aligned with a MRI scan in order to
combine the information contained in both.
ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBMathParserX
ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) is distributed as an open source library of image
processing algorithms. OTB is based on the medical image processing library
ITK and offers particular functionalities for remote sensing image processing
in general and for high spatial resolution images in particular.
ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBMetadata
ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) is distributed as an open source library of image
processing algorithms. OTB is based on the medical image processing library
ITK and offers particular functionalities for remote sensing image processing
in general and for high spatial resolution images in particular.
Lightweight framebuffer On-Screen-Keyboard based on LVGL
This keyboard is designed to unlock encrypted root partitions on boot
on mobile devices. It is automatically launched on boot, allowing the
user to enter their disk encryption password.
Bandlimited LADSPA Oscillator Plugins ported to LV2
This package provides Mike Rawes' BLOP plugins ported to the
LV2 specification.