
Ruby library for generating initial avatars and identicons

This gem can be used for generating initial avatars and identicons representing string values such as usernames or ip addresses.


GUI: gtk4, opengl

Hardware accelerated (opengl) rendering on gtk4.


Official Postmark API wrapper

Use this gem to send emails through Postmark HTTP API and retrieve info about bounces.


Emacs utility to customise the mode line

Emacs add-on 'delight' provides functionality to customise the mode names displayed in the mode line.


fast implementation of MARC database reader

Marc::Fast is a very fast alternative to the MARC and MARC::Record modules. It's is also very suitable for random access to MARC records (as opposed to sequential one).


GNU Objective-C++ compiler (multilib support)

This is the GNU Objective-C++ compiler, which compiles Objective-C++ on platforms supported by the gcc compiler.