
magical shell history

Atuin replaces your existing shell history with a SQLite database, and records additional context for your commands.


Plugin for Nagios and Icinga for monitoring the health of disks

Nagios and Icinga are monitoring systems. This package contains a plugin check_smart_attributes for monitoring the health of rotational and solid state disks using smartmontools. It comes with a drive database and can look beneath some hardware raid controllers at individual drives. Its use allows being alerted ahead of failure of disks in many cases.


OpenStack cloud selector parses credentials from clouds.yaml

This package provides a parser for the ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml and makes it possible to select one of the, by exporting the OS_CLOUD environment variable. When using "oscs set" without any argument, oscs displays a nice fzf ncurse dialogue where uses can select what cloud to use with the arrow keys.


OpenStack Acceleration as a Service - conductor

Cyborg provides a general management framework for accelerators such as FPGA, GPU, SoCs, NVMe SSDs, CCIX caches, DPDK/SPDK, pmem and so forth. It provides a REST API for basic accelerator life cycle management, and has a generic driver for common accelerator support.


Introspection data for GnomeDesktop (GTK 4)

The gnome-desktop set of libraries provides various utility functions that are used in multiple components of the GNOME desktop, but do not have a sufficiently stable API to be included in core libraries such as GLib and GTK.


Firmware updater support for GNOME Software

Software lets you install and update applications and system extensions.