Node.js HTTP/1.1 client
undici provides the Node.js core HTTP client, using WebAssembly to achieve
performance and pluggability. It brings features like:
- redirect support
- native mocking layer using MockAgent
- Client, Pool, Agent are unified by a Dispatcher API
memory-based tagger-generator and tagger - runtime
MBT is a memory-based tagger-generator and tagger in one. The tagger-generator
part can generate a sequence tagger on the basis of a training set of tagged
sequences; the tagger part can tag new sequences. MBT can, for instance, be
used to generate part-of-speech taggers or chunkers for natural language
Python 3 module for clang_tidy support in ROS 2 ament packages
The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2.
This package provides the Python 3 module that adds clang_tidy linter
support to ament.
visual servoing platform gui library
This package contains the ViSP (Visual Servoing Platform) graphical user
interface (GUI) runtime library.
Data files containing Sicilian fortune cookies
This package provides a collection of 'fortune cookies' in Sicilian, mostly:
* Proverbs
* Common expressions
* Songs
* Literature