Simulate bouncing balls in a window


Simulate bouncing balls in a window

A simple educational game that simulates bouncing balls in a window. Gravity, elasticity, and ability to collide can all be adjusted.


computer chess engine, calculates chess moves

Toga II is a computer game chess engine created by Thomas Gaksch. It has big chess knowledge, multi-processor support, and a good search algorithm. It is based on Fruit and is free. Experimental versions of Toga II running on computer clusters have competed in the World Computer Chess Championship.
Zap words flying across the screen by typing them correctly


Zap words flying across the screen by typing them correctly

Typespeed is a game in which words fly across your screen. Your task is to zap the words by typing them before they cross the screen. If too many words get by you, the game is over.


OpenArena game data - "mature" player graphics from 0.8.1

OpenArena is an open-source content package for the Quake III engine, effectively creating a free stand-alone game similar to Quake III Arena.


dungeon crawl game - Lisp interface

NetHack is a wonderfully silly, yet quite addictive, Dungeons & Dragons-style adventure game. You play a character from one of many classes (such as wizard, ranger, or tourist), fighting your way down to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor (try saying THAT one backwards!) for your god. On the way, you might encounter a quantum mechanic or two, or perhaps King Arthur, or - if you're REALLY lucky - the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.
Juegos de consola debian


Debian's console games

This metapackage will install text console games designed to be used via a text-only computer interface, such as a text terminal.