
Open PDU SMPP packaging and unpackaging tool

This library is an implementation for providing the PDU handling of the SMPP-3.4 protocol. SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) is an open industry standard protocol designed to provide a flexible data communication interface for the transfer of short message data between External Short Messaging Entities, Routing Entitites and Message Centres.


collection of useful bash scripts for programmers

It was intended to be useful for programmers, security analysts and general users who need to perform low-level operations. The biggest advantage of bashacks is providing shorter commands for executing tasks in the terminal.


Qt6 library for reading Mobipocket documents

QMobipocket6 is a Qt6 library for reading Mobipocket documents.


maintain an Ubuntu source package in a git tree

git-ubuntu is tooling that provides unified git-based workflows for the development of Ubuntu source packages.


Python itertools, builtins and more for AsyncIO (Python 3)

This Python module shadows the standard library whenever possible to provide asynchronous versions of itertools, builtins and other familiar functions. It's fully compatible with standard iterators and async iterators alike, providing a single unified, familiar interface for interacting with iterable objects.


Python module to traverse and access resources like paths

This module provides a class DictPath to turn a dictionary into a path-like structure, allowing one to traverse them in a similar way to using pathlib.