
library for variable type checker/validator/converter at a run time

Typepy is a Python library for variable type checker/validator/converter at a run time.


computer vision image stitching library

This package contains the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) image stitching runtime libraries.


Hatch plugin for versioning from VCS

This provides a plugin for Hatch that uses your preferred version control system (like Git) to determine project versions.


Base16 themes as JS objects

Node.js is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine.


Spec-conformant JavaScript parser for the HTML5 srcset attribute

A javascript parser for the HTML5 srcset attribute, based on the WHATWG reference algorithm. It has an extensive test suite based on the W3C srcset conformance checker. It conforms to the jQuery JSCS style rules.


Qt 6 SVG Widgets library

Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.