
Easy, fast, and secure VPN service from riseup.net

Riseup offers Personal VPN service for censorship circumvention, location anonymization and traffic encryption. To make this possible, it sends all user's internet traffic through an encrypted connection to riseup.net, where it then goes out onto the public internet.


RPKI to Router server

StayRTR is an implementation of the RPKI to Router protocol (RFC 6810): it can be used to publish Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RFC 6480) prefix origin data from a trusted cache to BGP routers.


node-jest matchers and utilities for testing React Test Renderer

node-react is a library for building JavaScript user interfaces.


JavaScript library to test if a value is a React.js element

node-react is a library for building JavaScript user interfaces.


React.js library to integrate Fast Refresh into bundlers

node-react is a library for building JavaScript user interfaces.


Shallow renderer for testing ReactJS modules

When writing unit tests for React, shallow rendering can be helpful. Shallow rendering permits one to render a component "one level deep" and assert facts about what its render method returns, without worrying about the behavior of child components, which are not instantiated or rendered. This does not require a DOM.