
VP8 and VP9 video codec (shared library)

VP8 and VP9 are open video codecs, originally developed by On2 and released as open source by Google Inc. They are the successor of the VP3 codec, on which the Theora codec was based.


Worldwide holidays and workdays computational toolkit (Python3 version)

Calendra is a Python module that offers classes able to handle calendars, list legal / religious holidays and gives working-day-related computation functions. It is a fork of Workalendar designed to be more extensible and introspectable, adding interfaces where Workalendar is philosophically opposed for the sake of simplicity.


Kerberos-authenticated secure data management client

The wallet is a system for managing secure data, authorization rules to retrieve or change that data, and audit rules for documenting actions taken on that data. Objects of various types may be stored in the wallet or generated on request and retrieved by authorized users. The wallet tracks ACLs, metadata, and trace information. It uses Kerberos authentication. One of the object types it supports is Kerberos keytabs, making it suitable as a user-accessible front-end to Kerberos kadmind with richer ACL and metadata operations.


Parallel porous media / reservoir simulators -- applications

The Open Porous Media (OPM) software suite provides libraries and tools for modeling and simulation of porous media processes, especially for simulating CO2 sequestration and improved and enhanced oil recovery.


FIS-GT.M database version 7.0-002

GT.M is a database engine with scalability proven in large real-time transaction processing systems that have thousands of concurrent users, individual database file sizes to the Terabyte range (with virtually unlimited aggregate database sizes). Yet the light footprint of GT.M allows it to also scale down for use in small applications and software appliances (virtual machines).


Library for compressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds

Draco is a library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds. It is intended to improve the storage and transmission of 3D graphics.