
D compiler (language version 2) for the host architecture

This is a dependency package providing the default D compiler. Per policy, all packages that contain D sources must use this package in their Build-Depends line.


library to create window decorations - private library

KDecoration2 is a library to create window decorations. These window decorations can be used by for example an X11 based window manager which re-parents a Client window to a window decoration frame.


Backup and restore commands for Django

This Django application provides management commands to help backup and restore your project database and media files with various storages such as Amazon S3, Dropbox, local file storage or any Django storage.


Tools to generate plainmasterkeys (rainbowtables)

Small set of tools to generate plainmasterkeys (rainbowtables) and hashes for the use with latest hashcat and latest John the Ripper.


dynamic libraries for OpenTURNS

OpenTURNS is a powerful and generic tool to treat and quantify uncertainties in numerical simulations in design, optimization and control. It allows both sensitivity and reliability analysis studies: * define the outputs of interest and decision criteria; * quantify and model the source of uncertainties; * propagate uncertainties and/or analyse sensitivity * rank the sources of uncertainty


low level cryptographic library (public-key cryptos)

Nettle is a cryptographic library that is designed to fit easily in more or less any context: In crypto toolkits for object-oriented languages (C++, Python, Pike, ...), in applications like LSH or GNUPG, or even in kernel space.