GNU D compiler (version 2, multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6el archit
This is the GNU D compiler, which compiles D on platforms supported by gcc.
It uses the gcc backend to generate optimised code.
OATH Toolkit Liboath library
OATH Toolkit provide components to build one-time password
authentication systems. It contains shared C libraries, command line
tools and a PAM module. Supported technologies include the
event-based HOTP algorithm (RFC 4226), the time-based TOTP algorithm
(RFC 6238), and Portable Symmetric Key Container (PSKC, RFC 6030) to
manage secret key data. OATH stands for Open AuTHentication, which is
the organization that specify the algorithms.
GNU D compiler (version 2) (cross compiler for amd64 architecture)
This is the GNU D compiler, which compiles D on platforms supported by gcc.
It uses the gcc backend to generate optimised code.
nonlinear least squares minimizer (shared library)
Ceres Solver is an open source C++ library for modeling and solving large,
complicated optimization problems.
It is a feature rich, mature and performant library which has been used
in production at Google since 2010.
GNU Fortran compiler
This is the GNU Fortran compiler, which compiles
Fortran on platforms supported by the gcc compiler. It uses the
gcc backend to generate optimized code.
GNU Modula-2 compiler (cross compiler for amd64 architecture)
This is the GNU Modula-2 compiler, which compiles Modula-2 on platforms
supported by gcc. It uses the gcc backend to generate optimised code.