
Lomiri Location Service client library

Aggregates position/velocity/heading updates and exports them over DBus.


accurate and flexible finite element visualization

This is an OpenGL tool for visualization of finite element meshes and functions.


libraries and module types for portable clocks (runtime)

This library implements portable support for an operating system timesource that is compatible with the MirageOS library interfaces found in:


LibreOffice UNO runtime environment -- SAL public library

The Uno Runtime Environment (URE) is the well-known UNO component model of LibreOffice, packaged up as an individual product.


tool to launch modern Javascript scripts

Bash is great, but when it comes to writing scripts, people usually choose a more convenient programming language. JavaScript maybe a good choice, but standard Node.js library requires additional hassle before using. The `zx` package provides useful wrappers around `child_process`, escapes arguments and gives sensible defaults.


Web Framework for REST Applications in C

Based on GNU Libmicrohttpd for the backend web server, Jansson for the json manipulation library, and Libcurl for the http/smtp client API.