
Standard library for JavaScript and Node.js

node-stdlib is a standard library for JavaScript and Node.js, with an emphasis on numerical and scientific computing applications. The library provides a collection of robust, high performance libraries for mathematics, statistics, data processing, streams, and more and includes many utilities expected from a standard library.


Generate HEX colors for a given namespace in Node.js

Colorspace is a simple module which generates HEX color codes for namespaces. The base color is decided by the first part of the namespace. All other parts of the namespace alters the color tone. This way you can visually see which namespaces belong together and which does not.


test framework for cluster-related technologies like Pacemaker

At its core, Pacemaker is a distributed finite state machine capable of co-ordinating the startup and recovery of inter-related services across a set of machines.


Tirex example map data and configuration

It comes with all connecting pieces to make tirex work with Mapnik and Apache2 webserver. After installation the map can be visisted in a web browser by going to http://localhost/tirex-example-map.


pure PHP IDNA converter

A library for encoding and decoding internationalized domain names.


GNU R package with 'spdlog' logging support

The package provides the 'spdlog' library for C+++ logging for use from an R package.