
Next great DBus library for Python

python-dbus-next is a Python library for DBus that aims to be a fully featured high level library primarily geared towards integration of applications into Linux desktop and mobile environments.


node-htmlparser2 tree adapter

Parse5 provides nearly everything needed when dealing with HTML. It's the fastest spec-compliant HTML parser for Node.js to date. It parses HTML the way the latest version of browsers does. It has proven itself reliable in such projects as jsdom, Angular, Lit, Cheerio, rehype and many more.


Yet another PEP 517 backend for PDM projects

This is the backend for PDM projects, while you can also use it alone. It reads the metadata of PEP 621 format and coverts it to Core metadata.


Write data structures to your logs from Clojure

structured-logging is a library that helps you to:


SQL databases in Python, designed for simplicity, compatibility, and robustness

SQLModel is a library for interacting with SQL databases from Python code, with Python objects. It is designed to be intuitive, easy to use, highly compatible, and robust.


library for forensics analysis on volume and filesystem data

The Sleuth Kit, also known as TSK, is a collection of UNIX-based command line file and volume system forensic analysis tools. The filesystem tools allow you to examine filesystems of a suspect computer in a non-intrusive fashion. Because the tools do not rely on the operating system to process the filesystems, deleted and hidden content is shown.