
SCP firmware for Allwinner sunxi boards

Some System on a Chip (SoC) computers, also known as single-board, embed a dedicated processor called a System Control Processor (SCP) which abstracts power and system management tasks away from application processors.


module for Compact Read-Only Databases

Data::CompactReadonly provides a Compact Read Only Database that consumes very little memory. Once created a database can not be practically updated except by re-writing the whole thing. The aim is for random-access read performance to be on a par with DBM::Deep and for files to be much smaller.


Earth Observation System extensions to HDF5

HDF-EOS5 is a software library designed built on HDF5 to support EOS-specific data structures, namely Grid, Point, and Swath. The new data structures are constructed from standard HDF data objects, using EOS conventions, through the use of a software library [1,4]. A key feature of HDF-EOS files is that instrument-independent services, such as subsetting by geolocation, can be applied to the files across a wide variety of data products. The library is extensible and new data structures can be added.


module to figure out type of a scalar

Perl scalars can be either strings or numbers, and normally you don't really care which is which as it will do all the necessary type conversions automagically.


mutable object-based log format for Node.js

A mutable object-based Node.js log format designed for chaining & objectMode streams.


Fast linter for Python, written in Rust

Ruff is a linter for Python that includes implementations of many common checks implemented by flake8, flake8 plugins, and pylint.