single-dispatch JSON encoder for Python
Module uses functools.singledispatch to support custom encoders for Python
built-in classes and user-created classes.
Python library for creating LaTeX files and snippets
PyLaTeX is a Python library for creating and compiling LaTeX files or
snippets. The goal of this library is being an easy, but extensible
interface between Python and LaTeX.
Data harmonisation toolset for Earth Observation formats
HARP is a toolset for ingesting, processing and inter-comparing satellite or
model data against correlative data. The toolset is composed of a set of
command line tools, a C library of analysis functions, and import/export
interfaces for Python. The main goal of HARP is to assist
in the inter-comparison of data sets. By appropriatelty chaining calls to
the HARP command line tools one can preprocess satellite, model, and/or
correlative data such that two datasets that need to be compared end up
having the same temporal/spatial grid, same data format/structure, and same
physical units.
Utilities for handling packages
Module developed with the aim of assisting the developer in managing
packages with the following functions:
- Returns the web links for the given project.
- Useful for creating and verifying sha256 checksums of files.
- Useful for working with trove classifiers.
- Useful for working with the Python Package Index (PyPI).
- Useful for working with PEP 508 requirements.
- Useful for working with source distributions.
- Serves to assist in building conda packages.
- Returns the subset of versions that do not end with -dev.
- Returns the subset of versions that are not pre-releases
(alpha, beta, dev, rc etc.).
- Reads the pyvenv.cfg for the given virtualenv and returns a key:
value mapping of your content.
- among other features.
SCTP Test Tool
TSCTP is an SCTP test tool. Its purpose is to perform basic SCTP
functionality tests to check implementations interoperability and
to verify that the SCTP stack is working.
implementation of QUIC protocol (development)
ngtcp2 project is an effort to implement QUIC protocol which is
now being discussed in IETF QUICWG for its standardization.