
computations on braid groups

libbraiding is a library to compute several properties of braids, including centralizer and conjugacy check.


Python client for Todoist REST API

The Todoist API Python client is an official implementation that provides access to the Todoist REST API. It allows for synchronous and asynchronous interactions with tasks, projects, and other Todoist services. Users can fetch, create, update, and delete tasks, manage projects, label tasks, and perform a variety of other operations supported by the Todoist API.


Bio++ Sequence library: genomics components

Bio++ is a set of C++ libraries for Bioinformatics, including sequence analysis, phylogenetics, molecular evolution and population genetics. Bio++ is Object Oriented and is designed to be both easy to use and computer efficient. Bio++ intends to help programmers to write computer expensive programs, by providing them a set of re-usable tools.


AprilTags Visual Fiducial System

AprilTag is a visual fiducial system, useful for a wide variety of tasks including augmented reality, robotics, and camera calibration. Targets can be created from an ordinary printer, and the AprilTag detection software computes the precise 3D position, orientation, and identity of the tags relative to the camera. The AprilTag library is implemented in C with no external dependencies. It is designed to be easily included in other applications, as well as be portable to embedded devices. Real-time performance can be achieved even on cell-phone grade processors.


Apophenia Statistical C Library -- library package

The Apophenia Statistical C Library is an open source C library for working with data sets and statistical models. It provides functions on the same level as those of the typical stats packages (such as OLS, probit, or singular value decomposition) but gives the user more flexibility to be creative in model-building.


FETK libraries for APBS (shared libraries)

The Finite Element ToolKit (FETK) is a collection of adaptive finite element method (AFEM) software libraries and tools for solving coupled systems of nonlinear geometric partial differential equations (PDE). The FETK libraries and tools are written in an object-oriented form of ANSI-C and in C++, and include a collection of standard numerical libraries (PUNC), a stand-alone high-quality surface and volume simplex mesh generator (GAMer), a stand-alone networked polygon display tool (SG), a general nonlinear finite element modeling kernel (MC)