piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces -- shared library
Psurface is a C++ library that handles piecewise linear bijections
between triangulated surfaces. These surfaces can be of arbitrary
shape and need not even be manifolds.
Phobos D standard library (runtime library)
This is the Phobos standard library that comes with the D2 compiler.
Thumbor optimizer to add support to Gifv(mp4)
This package is part of the thumbor-plugins repository.
For more information, visit:
Music player for Lomiri Operating Environment
This app is a core app for Ubuntu Touch's shell Lomiri. Ubuntu Touch is
a mobile OS developed by the UBports Foundation. Lomiri is its operating
environment optimized for touch based human-machine interaction, but
also supports convergence (i.e. switching between tablet/phone and
desktop mode).
Sphinx HTML extension to generate sitemaps
Sphinx extension to generate multiversion and multilanguage
compliant sitemaps for the HTML version of your Sphinx documentation.
Morph web applications container
Lightweight webapp container tailored for Lomiri, based on the
Qt WebEngine and using the Lomiri UI components.