
server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module)

This package provides the PHP module for the Apache 2 webserver (as found in the apache2-mpm-prefork package). Please note that this package ONLY works with Apache's prefork MPM, as it is not compiled thread-safe.


SQLite3 module for PHP

This package provides the SQLite3 module(s) for PHP.


major mode for editing nginx config files

This is a quick mode for editing Nginx config files. The mode automatically activates for: * Files, called nginx.conf * Files ending in .conf under nginx directory


CMake build system for ROS 2 ament package (Legacy nosetests extension)

The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2. ament_cmake provides the necessary tooling to build ament packages with CMake.


GNU Rust compiler (cross compiler for mips64 architecture)

!!!!! Please note, the compiler is in a very early stage and not usable yet for compiling real Rust programs !!!!!


Python 3 bindings for 64-bit SLEPc 3.16 libraries (real numbers)

SLEPc is the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations.