
Generic Graphics Library

GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) is a graph based image processing framework.


GTK+ User Interface Build core library

Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick and easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit.


lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library - x509 certificate library

mbed TLS (formerly known as PolarSSL) is a lean open source crypto library for providing SSL and TLS support in your programs. It offers an intuitive API and documented header files, so you can actually understand what the code does. It features: - Symmetric algorithms, like AES, Blowfish, Triple-DES, DES, ARC4, Camellia and XTEA - Hash algorithms, like SHA-1, SHA-2, RIPEMD-160 and MD5 - Entropy pool and random generators, like CTR-DRBG and HMAC-DRBG - Public key algorithms, like RSA, Elliptic Curves, Diffie-Hellman, ECDSA and ECDH - TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 - Abstraction layers for ciphers, hashes, public key operations, platform abstraction and threading


JNI bindings for Zstd (Architecture-specific files)

Native library that provides a fast and high-compression lossless algorithm for Android, Java, and all JVM languages. It features static compress/decompress methods, implementation of InputStream and OutputStream for transparent compression of data streams fully compatible with the "zstd" program, and minimal performance overhead.


Parser for Thermobeacon devices

Parse data from Thermobeacon BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices. This parser allows developers to easily integrate Thermobeacon device data into their applications, making it simple to read and utilize temperature and humidity data from these devices.


Dynamic Generation of Scientific Reports

The RSP markup language makes any text-based document come alive. RSP provides a powerful markup for controlling the content and output of LaTeX, HTML, Markdown, AsciiDoc, Sweave and knitr documents (and more), e.g. 'Today's date is <%=Sys.Date()%>'. Contrary to many other literate programming languages, with RSP it is straightforward to loop over mixtures of code and text sections, e.g. in month-by-month summaries. RSP has also several preprocessing directives for incorporating static and dynamic contents of external files (local or online) among other things. Functions rstring() and rcat() make it easy to process RSP strings, rsource() sources an RSP file as it was an R script, while rfile() compiles it (even online) into its final output format, e.g. rfile('report.tex.rsp') generates 'report.pdf' and rfile('') generates 'report.html'. RSP is ideal for self- contained scientific reports and R package vignettes. It's easy to use - if you know how to write an R script, you'll be up and running within minutes.