
Utils that make use of the EST protocol

Included from the libest examples/ directory, these tools are fully featured implementations of EST server and client.


parallelism library for C++ - runtime files

TBB is a library that helps you leverage multi-core processor performance without having to be a threading expert. It represents a higher-level, task-based parallelism that abstracts platform details and threading mechanism for performance and scalability.


visual servoing platform tt library

This package contains the ViSP (Visual Servoing Platform) template tracker (tt) runtime library.


Qt 6 Quick particles library

Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.


Standalone signaling server for Nextcloud Talk

Nextcloud is an open source, self-hosted cloud software, and Talk is its WebRTC communication app. It requires a dedicated signaling server and a WebRTC media relay for scalability.


Lomiri settings components

Lomiri settings components for Lomiri Desktop Environment