
Cubic spline approximation (smoothing)

This is a Python package for univariate, multivariate and n-dimensional grid data approximation using cubic smoothing splines. The package can be useful in practical engineering tasks for data approximation and smoothing.


library and a command line interface for the CVE Services API

cvelib is a library and a command line interface to interact with the MITRE CVE Services API, including functions to reserve one or more CVE IDs for a CNA, filter and list reserved CVEs owned by a CNA, and administration of user and tokes for a CNA.


Data Plane Development Kit (librte-bus-ifpga runtime library)

DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.


Qt 6 State Machine library

Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.


DRS4 Evaluation Board software

The DRS4 chip is a full custom Integrated Circuit developed at PSI, Switzerland. It contains a switched capacitor array (SCA) with 1024 cells, capable of digitizing eight analog signals with high speed (6 GSPS) and high accuracy (11.5 bit SNR) on a single chip. This web site contains the chip documentation and software (firmware, drivers, applications) needed in order to work with the chip or the chip evaluation board.


Application-Level Forward Erasure Correction codes (shared library)

Application-Level Forward Erasure Correction codes, or AL-FEC (also called UL-FEC, for Upper-Layers FEC). The idea is to add redundancy in order to be able to recover from erasures. Because of their position in the communication stack, these codes are implemented as software codecs, and they find many applications in robust transmission and distrituted storage systems.