
Python bindings for LASzip (Python 3 module)

This module provides LASzip bindings in Python, primarily intended for use with laspy. LASzip is a specialized compression for the ASPRS LAS file format to store data from LiDAR sensors much more efficiently.


TH splice that expands to an environment variable; profiling libraries

Template Haskell splice that expands to an environment variable value. Can be used to embed build-time parameters in your application.


edge of developments for "text-builder"; profiling libraries

This is a development version of "text-builder". All experimentation and feature development happens here. The API can change drastically. For a more stable API use "text-builder", which is now just a wrapper over this package.


PPMd compression/decompression library

PPM(Prediction by partial matching) is a compression algorithm which has several variations of implementations. PPMd is the implementation by Dmitry Shkarin. It is used in the RAR and by 7-Zip as one of several possible methods.


lazy infinite compact streams with cache-friendly O(1) indexing; profiling libra

There are plenty of memoizing libraries on Hackage, but they usually fall into two categories:


Support files for Linux 5.15

This package provides support files for the Linux kernel build, e.g. scripts to handle ABI information and for generation of build system meta data.