
GNU C compiler (cross compiler for amd64 architecture)

This is the GNU C compiler, a fairly portable optimizing compiler for C.


Files for GNU GCC plugin development.

This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins.


weighted linear regression package (line+plane fitting)

Regression.pm is a multivariate linear regression package. That is, it estimates the c coefficients for a line-fit of the type


OpenZFS pool library for Linux

OpenZFS is a storage platform that encompasses the functionality of traditional filesystems and volume managers. It supports data checksums, compression, encryption, snapshots, and more.


MDL molfile/SDF (V2000) reader/writer

Chemistry::File::MDLMol automatically registers the 'sdf' format with Chemistry::Mol.


thin wrapper for clang

Opencl-clang is a thin wrapper library around clang. It has an OpenCL-oriented API and is capable of compiling OpenCL C kernels to SPIR-V modules.