API to interact with Ruckus Unleashed and ZoneDirector devices
This package provides a Python API which interacts with Ruckus Unleashed and
ZoneDirector devices via their AJAX Web Service interface. Configuration
information can also be queried from Ruckus Unleashed and ZoneDirector backup
Asynchronous serial port library
This library provides an asynchronous interface to serial ports, combining the
functionality of asyncio and pySerial. It allows asynchronous reading and
writing to serial devices, making it suitable for applications that require
non-blocking serial communication. With aioserial, you can perform tasks such
as reading from and writing to serial ports asynchronously, handling timeouts,
and integrating seamlessly with the asyncio event loop. It is designed to
simplify the management of serial communication in asynchronous Python
Skybell HD doorbell/shime asyncio API client
This package provides support for Skybell doorbells client API.
communicate with an Android TV or Fire TV device via ADB over a network
This package provides state information and control of Android TV and Fire TV
devices via ADB. This package is used by the Android TV integration in Home
Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python (v3.13)
A module for writing portable GUI applications with Python (v3.13) using Tk.
Also known as Tkinter.
GNU dbm database support for Python (v3.13)
GNU dbm database module for Python. Install this if you want to
create or read GNU dbm database files with Python.