
YARA shared library

YARA is a tool aimed at helping malware researchers to identify and classify malware samples. With YARA, it is possible to create descriptions of malware families based on textual or binary patterns contained in samples of those families. Each description consists of a set of strings and a Boolean expression which determines its logic.


Infra-red remote control support - Run-time libraries

LIRC stands for 'Linux Infra-red Remote Control'.


Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines

StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS kernels on GPUs or on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as efficiently as possible.


Puppet module for OpenStack Rally

Puppet lets you centrally manage every important aspect of your system using a cross-platform specification language that manages all the separate elements normally aggregated in different files, like users, cron jobs, and hosts, along with obviously discrete elements like packages, services, and files.


pybuild autopkgtest test runner (metapackage)

This package depends on the packages required to run pybuild-autopkgtest, a pybuild-based autopkgtest test runner. pybuild-autopkgtest will run the same test suite that regular pybuild runs during build time, but against the installed packages and without doing a build first.


Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines

StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS kernels on GPUs or on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as efficiently as possible.