
lastlog2 database shared library

Y2038 safe lastlog database implementation, library files.


Library for easily querying DNS SRV records

RULI stands for Resolver User Layer Interface. It's a library built on top of an asynchronous DNS stub resolver. RULI provides an easy-to-use interface for querying DNS SRV resource records. The goal is to promote the wide deployment of SRV-cognizant client programs. RULI aims to fully support SRV-related standards.


flake8 checks for misuse of sys.version or sys.version_info

plugin is able to work around a python3.10 or python4.0 version issue (when in effect).


Disassembler for x86 and x86-64 class ISA (library)

Udis86 is a disassembler for the x86 and x86-64 class of instruction set architectures. It consists of a C library called libudis86 which provides a clean and simple interface to decode and inspect a stream of raw binary data as disassembled instructions in a structured manner, and a command line tool called udcli that incorporates the library.


GNU SASL library

GNU SASL is an implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer framework and a few common SASL mechanisms. SASL is used by network servers (e.g., IMAP, SMTP) to request authentication from clients, and in clients to authenticate against servers.


manipulating geometric shapes with spherical geometry

s2geometry is for manipulating geometric shapes. Unlike many geometry libraries, S2 is primarily designed to work with spherical geometry, i.e., shapes drawn on a sphere rather than on a planar 2D map. This makes it especially suitable for working with geographic data.