
Simple REST client for Google Play Android Developer API V3

This is the simple REST client for Google Play Android Developer API V3. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Play Android Developer API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.


abstract stream I/O (runtime files)

This library (pronounced gen'-see-oh) is used to abstract stream I/O like serial port, TCP, telnet, UDP, SSL, IPMI SOL etc and offers a framework for giving a consistent view of various stream (and packet) I/O types. You create a gensio object (or a gensio), and you can use that gensio without having to know too much about what is going on underneath. You can stack gensio on top of another one to add protocol funcionality. For instance, you can create a TCP gensio, stack SSL on top of that, and stack Telnet on top of that. It supports a number of network I/O and serial ports. Gensio can be used for sending and receiving ports, and it also supports establishing encrypted and authenticated connections.


Elegant astronomy for Python

Skyfield is a pure-Python astronomy package that is compatible with both Python 3 and makes it easy to generate high precision research-grade positions for planets and Earth satellites.


module to parse a CPAN distribution name

Parse::Distname is yet another distribution name parser. It works almost the same as CPAN::DistnameInfo, but Parse::Distname takes a different approach. It tries to extract a version part of a distribution and treat the rest as a distribution name, contrary to CPAN::DistnameInfo which tries to define a name part and treat the rest as a version.


Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit - expr library

The Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) is an extensive, cross-platform, and open source C++ library aimed to help robotics researchers to design and implement algorithms in the fields of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), computer vision, and motion planning (obstacle avoidance).


Tool for compiling C/C++ programs

Tool for compiling and running programs with minimal configuration.