
Parsing and validation of URIs (RFC 3986) and IRIs (RFC 3987)

This module provides regular expressions according to * RFC 3986 "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax" * RFC 3987 "Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)" and utilities for composition and relative resolution of references.


wrapper around the Python stdlib `tokenize` which roundtrips

The stdlib tokenize module does not properly roundtrip. This wrapper around the stdlib provides two additional tokens ESCAPED_NL and UNIMPORTANT_WS, and a Token data type. Use src_to_tokens and tokens_to_src to roundtrip.
Efficient full-featured X11 terminal emulator


Efficient full-featured X11 terminal emulator

Zutty is a terminal emulator for the X Window System, functionally similar to several other X terminal emulators such as xterm, rxvt and others. It is also similar to other, much more modern, GPU-accelerated terminal emulators.


Python package for configuring a Python package

Donfig is a Python library meant to make configuration easier for other Python packages. Donfig can be configured programmatically, by environment variables, or from YAML files in standard locations.


DEX external dependency dump

This tool dumps a list of fields and methods that a DEX file uses but does not define. When combined with a list of public APIs, it can be used to determine whether an APK is accessing fields and calling methods that it shouldn't be. It may also be useful in determining whether an application requires a certain minimum API level to execute.


colorize help messages in click (Python 3.x)

Colorization of help messages in Click. Improves the readability of help messages.