
Amiga 500 "Topaz" font updated for the 21st century

This is therefore a highly nostalgic typeface for people of a certain age and geographical distribution, but it's also a genuinely good font. It's high contrast, it's consistently designed (within the limits of 8x8px), and it's quite compact.


support for programs processing GNAT projects (runtime)

GNAT projects are human-readable text files used to drive tools building or inspecting lots of source files in several programming languages, like those provided by the gprbuild package.


High Performance Matrix Preconditioners - 64-bit (mixedint) Shared Library

Hypre is a set of matrix preconditioning libraries to aid in the solution of large systems of linear equations.


AUnit, a unit testing framework for Ada: shared library

AUnit is a set of Ada packages based on the xUnit family of unit test frameworks. It's intended as a developer's tool to facilitate confident writing and evolution of Ada software. It is purposely lightweight, as one of its main goals is to make it easy to develop and run unit tests, rather than to generate artifacts for process management. The framework supports easy composition of sets of unit tests to provide flexibility in determining what tests to run for a given purpose.


nntp feeder transport for inn2

innduct replaces innfeed and innxmit/nntpsend. Unlike innfeed it is reliable (articles are not dropped from feeds for trivial transient problems); unlike innxmit/nntpsend it is realtime. It is also a lot smaller and simpler than innfeed.


C++ Portable Components (POCO) ActiveRecord library

The POCO C++ Libraries are a collection of open source C++ class libraries that simplify and accelerate the development of network-centric, portable applications in C++. The libraries integrate perfectly with the C++ Standard Library and fill many of the functional gaps left open by it.