
QGIS - shared Python library

QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and display databases of geographic information.


CMake build system for ROS 2 ament packages (uncrustify)

The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2. ament_cmake provides the necessary tooling to build ament packages with CMake.


Python 3 module for clang_format support in ROS 2 ament packages

The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2. This package provides the Python 3 module that adds clang_format linter support to ament.


CMake build system for ROS 2 ament packages (xmllint)

The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2. ament_cmake provides the necessary tooling to build ament packages with CMake.


Read wtmp database

This package provides the wtmpdb program, to read the wtmp database.


GNU R spatial and spatio-temporal geostatistical modelling

This GNU R package provides spatio-temporal geostatistical modelling, prediction and Simulation Variogram modelling; simple, ordinary and universal point or block (co)kriging; spatio-temporal kriging; sequential Gaussian or indicator (co)simulation; variogram and variogram map plotting utility functions; supports sf and stars.