
Minetest mod - marker/waypoint CSM for Minetest

This client side mod provides a set of commands to record the coordinates in minetest game.


YANG-based configuration and operational state data store [C library]

Applications can use sysrepo to store their configuration modeled by provided YANG model instead of using e.g. flat configuration files. Sysrepo will ensure data consistency of the data stored in the datastore and enforce data constraints defined by YANG model.


external filters for HDF5: LZ4, BZip2, Bitshuffle

The external filter mechanism introduced with HDF5 1.8.12 allows applications to utilize custom filters not shipped by the HDF5 core library without recompiling your application. This package provides external filters for HDF5 for


Efficient network analysis -- Python

graph-tool is an efficient Python module for manipulation and statistical analysis of graphs (a.k.a. networks). Contrary to most other Python modules with similar functionality, the core data structures and algorithms are implemented in C++, making extensive use of template metaprogramming, based heavily on the Boost Graph Library. This confers it a level of performance that is comparable (both in memory usage and computation time) to that of a pure C/C++ library.


Universal Design typeface Mincho fonts

BIZ UD Mincho is a universal design typeface designed to be easy to read and ideal for education and business documentation. It is a highly legible and well-balanced design sans serif. In order to make the kanji more clear and identifiable, the letterforms are simplified by omitting hane (hook) and geta (the vertical lines extending beyond horizontal strokes at the bottom of kanji). Counters and other spaces are finely adjusted so that the overall balance of the type is not impaired even with the use in relatively large size. The kana are made slightly smaller than the kanji to give a good rhythm and flow when setting long texts in the lighter weights.


debhelper addon for building Pd externals

This package provides the 'pd-lib-builder' Debhelper-sequence for streamlining the process of creating Debian packages of pd-lib-builder based externals.